"Isolated" Wetlands

Information & Ecology


References -- Midwest

Hecnar SJ and RT M’Closkey. 1996. Regional dynamics and the status of amphibians. Ecology 77: 2091-2097.

Knutson MG, JR Sauer, DA Olsen, MJ Mossman, LM Hemesath, MJ Lannoo. 1999. Effects of landscape composition and wetland fragmentation on frog and toad abundance and species richness in Iowa and Wisconsin, U.S.A. Conservation Biology 13:1437-1446.

Rittenhouse TAG, RD Semlitsch. 2007. Distribution of amphibians in terrestrial habitat surrounding wetlands. Wetlands 27:153-161.

Rothermel B. 2004. Migratory success of juveniles: a potential constraint on connectivity for pond-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 14:1535-1546.

Rothermel BB, RD Semlitsch. 2006. Consequences of forest fragmentation for juvenile survival in spotted (Ambystoma maculatum) and marbled (Ambystoma opacum) salamanders. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:797-807.