"Isolated" Wetlands
Information & Ecology
Marsh DM, PC Trenham. 2001. Metapopulation dynamics and amphibian conservation. Conservation Biology 15:40-49.
Trenham PC. 2001. Terrestrial habitat use by adult California tiger salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 35:343-346.
Trenham PC, HB Shaffer. 2005. Amphibian upland habitat use and its consequences for population viability. Ecological Applications 15:1158-1168.
Trenham PC, WD Koenig, HB Shaffer. 2001. Spatially autocorrelated demography and interpond dispersal in the salamander Ambystoma californiense. Ecology 82:3519-3530.
New England
Baldwin RF, AJK Calhoun, PG deMaynadier. 2006. Conservation planning for amphibian species with complex habitat requirements: a case study using movements and habitat selection of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica. Journal of Herpetology 40:442-453.
Calhoun AJK, NA Miller, MW Klemens. 2005. Conserving pool-breeding amphibians in human-dominated landscapes through local implementation of Best Development Practices. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13:291-304.
Faccio SD. 2003. Postbreeding emigration and habitat use by Jefferson and spotted salamanders in Vermont. Journal of Herpetology 37:479-489.
Gamble, LR, K McGarigal, CL Jenkins, BC Timm. 2006. Limitations of regulated “buffer zones” for the conservation of marbled salamanders. Wetlands 26:298-306.
Gamble LR, K McGarigal, BW Compton. 2007. Fidelity and dispersal in the pond-breeding amphibian, Ambystoma opacum: Implications for spatio-temporal population dynamics and conservation. Biological Conservation 139:247-257.
Gibbs JP 1998. Distribution of woodland amphibians along a forest fragmentation gradient. Landscape Ecology 13:263-268.
Homan RN, JV Regosin, DM Rodrigues, JM Reed, BS Windmiller, LM Romero. 2003. Impacts of varying habitat quality on the physiological stress of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). Animal Conservation 6:11-18.
Homan RN, BS Windmiller, JM Reed. 2004. Critical thresholds associated with habitat loss for two vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Ecological Applications 14:1547-1553.
McDonough, C., and P. W. C. Paton. 2007. Salamander dispersal across a forested landscape fragmented by a golf course. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1163-1169.
Regosin JV, BS Windmiller, JM Reed. 2003. Influence of abundance of small-mammal burrows and conspecifics on the density and distribution of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in terrestrial habitats. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:596-605.
Regosin JV, BS Windmiller, RM Homan, JM Reed. 2005. Variation in terrestrial habitat use by four pool-breeding amphibian species. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1481-1493.
REFERENCES -- Vernal pool amphibians