"Isolated" Wetlands
Information & Ecology
Yes, there is mystery surrounding the isolated wetland habitat referred to as "Carolina bays." How did they form? Any evidence for extraterrestrial origin? Or is it not-so-sexy terrestrial long-term geological processes? Whatever the origin, there is no doubt as to their importance to the survival of many rare plant and animal species.
Endemic invertebrates. Pond-breeding amphibians. Secretive reptiles. Rare plants. And...not that it isn't a great taxon... but NO FISH!! The ecology of isolated wetlands is complex, and a habitat-type that is a relatively small proportion by area accounts for a high proportion of regional biodiversity.
Scientific research--ecology, geomorphology, archaeology, hydrology--in isolated wetlands has been substantial. We attempt to provide up-to-date links on the science here.
New England vernal pools. Southeastern Carolina bays. Midwestern prairie potholes. California vernal pools. Alpine wetlands. Florida karst pools. Playa lakes. Depressional wetlands. So many origins. Such singular ecological importance.